STOTT PILATES® incorporates modern exercise principles, and applies proven and accepted practices in biomechanics, rehabilitation and athletic performance enhanced.  A contemporary approach to the original exercise method pioneered by the late Joseph Pilates. The refined method resulted in the inclusion of modern principles of exercise science and rehabilitation – making it one of the safest and most effective methods available.

Pilates is more than just exercise, it’s the start to a healthier you!

Runner, cyclist, golfer, figure skater or new mom, chances are you've heard someone talking about the BENEFITS of Pilates, this is what they say…

·         longer, leaner muscles (less bulk, more freedom of movement)

·         improves postural problems

·         increases core strength/stability and peripheral mobility

·         helps prevent injury

·         enhances functional fitness, ease of movement

·         balances strength & flexibility

·         can be customized for everyone from rehab patients to elite athletes

·         complements other methods of exercise

·         improves performance in sports (golf, skiing, skating, dance, etc.)

·         aids in balance, coordination & circulation

