The Travelling Yoga/Pilates Mat

No matter where I travel to, I enjoy and well need to keep my fitness practice, my back depends on it. Most recently, my hubby and I went to Nevis, a little island off of St.Kitt’s, absolutely breathtaking. Right in the middle of the island is a volcanic mountain; Mount Nevis, it always stands tall and proud. For the week, I planted my mat on our porch and found my favourite moves, with the mountains in the background inspiring me.

I guess I could have spent more time at the beach on a lounge chair basking in the sun, oh we did do that but we also took the oportunity to climb those inspiring mountains. I’m so glad I took time out every morning to stretch my body and center myself, I felt more mindful of the beautiful surrendings and agile in some very steep precarious (downrigh dangerous) peeks.

Time away is good for the soul; without t.v, phones and dinners to make. To each their own but for me and a lot of my clients, when I travel, time on the mat is equally important.

Top YOGA Postures for Beginners

I can remember the first time I learned MOUNTAIN POSE, it was empowering and ever since I have thoroughly enjoyed this posture.  In it's simplicity it captures so much of what yoga means; feeling grounded, opening of the heart, standing tall with purpose, focused with a strong dristi point (focus) and palms forward reading to receive.  Attention drawn to steading breathing, calming the mind and strengthening the spirit.

Unless you have a very specific back injury, I highly suggest doing CAT/COW everyday.  Moving the spine in and out of Flexion and Extension, articulating the spine from the crown of your head to the tip of your tail bone.  Allow your breath to dictate your pace and flow of your movement.  When you extend into Cow you can look up with your eyes, they are muscles too and stick your tongue out and add some primal noise from your gut. 

BHADA KONASANA, I just like to say it for starters, come on try it, it makes you smile.  But seriously this is a fantastic way to open your hips.  The hip is surrounded with muscles and ligaments and as we age the hips can get tighter.  So this is a very worthwhile stretch but also it is a gateway for many more challenging poses. 

Well, it just wouldn't be right to leave out DOWN WARD FACING DOG but I want to state this can be tough on the wrists and the shoulders so don't over do it.   A great way to start learning this pose is against the wall, it is a little kinder on the body and can help build a better dog.  You should feel a stretch all the way down the back of the legs - yum!

Balance is something we are all searching for and it can be found in one simple posture; the TREE pose.  I love the image of being an oak tree so grand, wise with age and firmly rooted into the earth.  This is the perfect posture for calm and steady breathe, you need that when standing on one-leg. 

Life can not be all fun and stretch, there needs to be some work too, that's where the WARRIORS come into play.  Physically more challenging but so much more, this is about embracing your inner warrior, that each of us have that capacity within us.  Often people mix up Warrior I and II... Warrior I, hips are square to the front of mat, arms overhead.  Warrior II, hips are open to the side of your mat, arms shoulder height.  Warrior III, is a challenging posture and something to build up to.

In todays society we are often putting our body in a constant state of flexion, so it is important to move our body the opposite way, UPWARD FACING DOG will provide a fabulous opening stretch. 

Always, finish with Shavasana, CORPSE pose, chillaxing your mind, body and whatever your spirit beholds.


Step into SPRING and a new YOU!

  • Start JUICING, this is a wonderful way to get a ton of nutrients all in one glass.  Green never looked so good or red, my favourite is beet juice, it is believed to get oxygen flowing which is great before a work-out.
  • Eat more PLANT based foods.  How about Meatless Mondays?  There are so many delicious recipes out there to help you make the leap to eating less meat.  Better for your body and the planet.
  • How about growing and harvesting from your very own VEGGIE garden, it's so full-filling for your spirit.  Go organic, of course better for an less expensive than buying at the grocery store.
  • Ok right now get up and do some JUMP JACKS, start with 25-50x and work up to 100x. It will get your heart rate up, generate some heat and make you fill like a kid again.
  • PLANK, love it... just do it.  You could always do on your knees or on elbows and move up to the Full Monty.  Hold for 30secs and work up to 60secs, when you get good, add a few extras like a side plank or lift one leg up at a time.
  • For a bit of zing include a LEMON slice to your water.  I enjoy half of a lemon with a teaspoon of honey as a tea.   You will be adding Vitamin C which is great for your skin and help neutralize the acid in your gut, so your tummy will be happy.
  • BREATHE, like take a really deep breathe... stress will melt away, need I say more. 
  • Speaking of stress, SMILE more.   Fake it to you can make it,  it works!
  • Adopt a pet, the unconditional LOVE of an animal is priceless and is known to lower blood pressure and of course save a life, does it get better than that. 
  • Go for a WALK or a RUN, this is a great way to clear your mind and of course burn calories. 
  • S.T.R.E.T.C.H - your body will thank you, try Child's Pose, it's everyone's favourite.
  • Create a VISION BOARD, your perfect life can start on a piece of card board. 
  • BALANCE, the Tree pose in yoga is great to work on; stand tall like an oak tree.  But balance is needed not just physically but in life itself.   So start working on the above mentioned spring list.  With these little changes you will find more of what you want and need to nurture yourself. Ready for the best summer ever. 

Always the Student...

If you ask most people if they love their job, I'm certain you would get mixed reviews and some comments about wishing they won Lotto 649...  But for me I feel very blessed to say I love what I do, true story.   And so even when I go on a holiday, "a get away" I like to take class, to become the student once again.  Yes I see the juxtaposition and understand this may seem odd to some but for me it's part of the high light of my trip.  Obviously, I know the benefits of Pilates, Yoga and TRX, I preach it everyday to my clients so really why wouldn't I if I got the chance?  And of course, I do believe you should walk the walk and talk the talk....

So this year we were able to get away to Chicago (home of the deep dish pizza) and most recently New Orleans.  While my hubby was there for business I went for pleasure which included taking classes.  In New Orleans I was able to book two classes,  mixing up Yoga with Pilates and TRX each day, how fabulous for me!  I still found time to see and eat my way through the French Quarter, oh those beignets (donuts) a must try!

When booking my classes I try to find something that would be valuable for me to learn and bring back to my clients. So usually I don't take Stott Pilates but some other version of Pilates.  I might not always fully enjoy the class style or a teacher but I do believe you always learn something, even if it is what not to do.  I had great classes from both cities and have used more than one of the things I learned. 

I am looking forward to my next trip in January to the sun, heat and fun of Miami, Florida. I am certain I will find some fabulous classes and hopefully bring back a bit of a tan as well...


FALLing into Good habits

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love summer, I mean love!  But living in Canada (which I feel very blessed to live here) we have four very unique seasons, all to be enjoyed.  And at every change of season I like to mindfully do a "reset", to take time to evaluate how I feel and what I need to do to make my life better.  Then I work to make those positive changes instead of waiting for the new year to do this. 

Letting go of summer is tough, especially as I find the opportunities to be outside and active is so easy and down right tempting (instead of being inside doing a blog).  Oh how I love to get out dog walking, gardening, hiking, canoeing, water skiing, kayaking, running, swimming and what I perfected this year...lying in a chaise lounge.  Now that we are into fall I'm back onto the mat, into a regular Yoga & Pilates practice.  My back and abs are very thankful for this and I have a few new favourite moves.  This is a very easy to do salutation with a few Pilates moves added to the mix....... 

Stand at the back of your mat in MOUNTAIN POSE palms forward, collar bone open, toes spread, standing tall and proud.  Take a nice deep breathe and move forward and down walking yourself out to a PLANK POSE, smoothly drop down to knees for a CAT STRETCH, then down on to elbows, picking up knees for a MODIFIED POSE, hold AND BREATH.  Sit back onto your heels in CHILDS POSE and relax. 

Lye down on your back with your "knees into your chest" taking deep breaths.  Keep your knees up, IMPRINT and with hands behind your head, move into some AB PREP.  Go ahead and plant your feet firmly down and begin to roll your hips upward one vertebrate at a time into a BRIDGE POSE.  Stretch your legs out and arms back overhead, moving up one vertebrae at a time in a ROLL-UP.  Do 5 reps moving back down onto the mat, keep one leg down and the other leg at 90degree angle for ONE LEG CIRCLE.  Come onto your side with your legs slightly forward of you ready for SIDE KICKS. 

Finish by moving over onto stomach lifting up into UPWARD FACING DOG POSE, hips push to DOWNWARD FACING DOG, into a PLANK and back to DOG, walk your feet to hands an with soft knees roll up to standing.  Shift onto your right leg for a TREE POSE and then to Left leg.  Stand back on two feet with hands behind your back in a chest opener.  Keep breathing fully and completely.

Ok I hate to bring up summer again but I seem to eat very well in those hot summer months.  I absolutely am addicted to watermelon, cherries, strawberries, plums, peaches, cucumbers and fresh veggies from the garden.  As the weather turns a little chillier it's easy to eat heavier dishes, I'm thinking stuffing and pumpkin pie. But I have a just recently been introduced to a Celery Root.  So delish, low carb and very easy to make, just cut up like french fries with some olive oil, garlic, S&P, put in oven 400degrees for 45mins.  So yummy and good for you! 

It's officially fall so let's embrace the beauty of it and all it's glory. 

5K to Almost 50k

Spring has finally arrived...Hallelujah! That was one long and challenging winter that started early and finished way too late. I don't even want to talk about our winter now that we are enjoying a beautiful spring but I do recall running a 5k Resolution Run on December 31 (yah I know, exciting way to bring in the new year) and it was a complete blizzard. I also remember thinking I'm going to run this 5k and in 6mons I'm going to run an Ultra (50K). So I spent the next many months running in the worse weather possible, nobody in their right mine would be out... but me and some crazy fellow runners. I would say those difficult runs made me a better, faster and stronger run. And as I had registered for the Ultra in Niagara and booked the hotel I had my eye on the ball and every opportunity I was training.

Reluctantly, I signed up for the Mississauga Marathon May 4th, I say reluctantly because I had focused so much on running the 50 I didn't want anything to mess me up. BUT I thought I would use this race as a training run, get my 42.2k in.

Just prior to the race and perhaps a sign, I got a bad cold, my first of the season and was trying everything to get better. Realistically, I should have stayed home bundled up in a blanket but I'm stubborn so off I went and as I was feeling badly I took some cold medication which might have been one of my worse decisions. Just before the 1k mark I was accidently tripped by another runner, I went over on my ankle and actually fell. Looking back I'm thinking I'm lucky no one fell on me. I continued to run with discomfort but if I didn't put my heel down it was ok... until about 30k which is when the cold medication was wearing off. I actually had a pretty decent run, all things considered and finished 4:22.

I am now 6 wks post marathon and what ended up being a pretty bad ankle sprain. I originally thought I would be able to do the Ultra with this injury but I just couldn't get in the mileage without real pain. So this past Saturday my friend and fellow runner used my bib and ran it, she did awesome and I've very proud of her. And yes I was a little sad and disappointed for all my efforts especially over the winter. So at this stage I'm doing lots of therapy on it and hopefully I will soon be back out pounding the pavement. And there is always next year...







One of my favourite AB work-outs is done on the ball. 

Lying on the ball with your hands supporting your head, head is off the ball.  Knees bent in a tabletop position.  Inhale lengthen the back of your neck and exhale fold half way up, over your ribs (AB PREP) breathe in and exhale return to starting position.  Pull belly in and pelvic lifted.  Do 10x times


Sitting up with your knees bent, place circle inside of knees.  On the exhale move half way down to floor rounding out spine and SQUEEZING the circle.  Breathe in and hold and exhale back up tall.  Repeat 10x


Lying in a supine (face up) position, feet hip width apart, holding onto 3pnd toning balls if you have if not go solo.  Work to stay stable and still using your ABS

Start moving shoulder blades up to ear then as far down on the exhale as you can without strain. 

Straighten arms up over chest (protract/retract) lift shoulder blades up on inhale and down into f/roller. 

Make tiny little circles (pendulum like) 10x in each direction, breathe.

Scissor arms, one overhead and one down by hips, switching on the exhale, without and lateral movement of the body. 

Finish with big arm circles in both directions, keeping ribcage down.


This mat is cushiony and great for ROLL-UPS.  On your back, legs straight out and arms overhead, roll-up one vertebrae at a time stretching long over legs and keeping belly in.  Exhale back down one vertebrae at a time. 


Resting in SHELL STRETCH, place bolster under you so your head and chest can relax. 

YOGA BLOCK … $8/set

Lie down with knees bent, lift hips into a BRIDGE and place block underneath your sacral region.  HOLD posture while taking 5-10x deep breaths.  Remove block and take a moment to enjoy back relief. 

YOGA C.D.’S … $2

Use calming music to help you move gracefully through this work-out.

YOGA BLANKET (Half-Moon, organic cotton) … $15

Shavasana, lying with legs relaxed open and palms facing up, ready to receive.  Placing EYE PILLOW … $5 over eyes, begin to deep breathe, focusing on releasing tension and melting into earth.   After 10mins slowly, move over to your rights side and come up slowly into a seated position.



As impressive as it is watching Cirque Du Solei perform is, for most of us we have no real need to be that flexible.  Whew… !   That being said, a flexible body can reduce most common causes for muscle aches, joint pain and back issues, not to mention aid in good posture.

 Adding a full body stretching routine, like Pilates or Yoga can greatly increase the functional ability of your body so you can perform tasks more easily, be more physically active and independent with age.

Even some simple desk stretches can be done for a few minutes through-out the day and be extremely beneficial.  Of course even better is stretching after movement, like a run or bike ride by preparing your muscles, warming them up with the increased circulation.

When stretching remember to breathe, it is so easy to forget but will help immensely. Never stretch into pain, a little discomfort is common.   Always hold a stretch for 20-60secs and never bounce.  And when you finish you should feel good and open, maybe a bit lighter and taller, not hurt and beat up. 

Your goal may be a humble as tying up your shoelaces or as extreme as gunning for Olympic Gold in figure skating…either way you will enjoy the benefits of stretching. 

Happy "New Years" Training

We are now well into January and like most people, New Year resolutions have been set (hopefully still kept)... eat better, sleep longer, exercise more, etc.  Interestingly, I find with my clients and probably Pilates devotees they never stopped exercising and eating well.  Of course over the Christmas break that might be another story but for the most part good habits have already been established which made me think why are we a different breed than the gym rat that starts up again come January?

Well, I think I know the answer.  First I believe strongly Pilates is an amazing and challenging work-out that hits pretty much every muscle of the body.  But also and maybe the key is the programing, (using the Pilates equipment) which is designed to be kind to your body and to put your body in it's proper place to work effectively.  So in a class there are moments of deep breathing, lengthening and stretching mixed in with the "work".  This makes for an hour of feel good mind and body connection.   

I'm a runner and also spent years dancing so I do understand how to work my body hard.  Pushing the body isn't a bad thing if done properly. So I'm not putting down other exercise regimes, I think people who exercise in general are all-around happier, healthier and better off for doing it.  I will say though, why not spend your precious time doing something that not only gives you great abs and a rounded behind and you enjoy doing, yes Pilates. 

Whatever you decide to do this year, find what you like, get out there and yes... just do it. You only have one body, make it count all year long. 

Let's toast to that...


I'm finally able to take a nice deep breathe, one of relief.  After 20 weeks of training I completed my third Marathon and achieved a Personal Best... 4:14:23.  The Road to running a Marathon is a very long one, I know I'm stating the obvious, but wow 42.2 is a lot!  I ran Hamilton's Road2Hope, it's a smaller event but one that I thought was well organized and actually a very nice route.

I'm not sure exactly what compels someone to run that long but strangely I'm already thinking about which Marathon I want to run next and possibly doing an Ultra, 50km.  I do believe anyone can do it, if I can, anyone can... I have asthma which really makes it difficult.  When I run, I sound like a very out of shape 90year old, no joke!  But I have my CORE and that's what gets me through.  Also, as any runner knows, running is 90% mental and then the last bit of a run is the other 10%. LOL

I shall continue my training... Pilates, Yoga, Spin Class and running with some wonderful folks.  One foot in front of the other!



REAL Men do Pilates

The statement "real men do Pilates" only makes sense considering Joseph Pilates, the creator of the technique, was indeed a man. He actually was an accomplished athlete and was fit well into his 80's. 

Pilates is definitely no longer just for dancers, it really is for everyone and everybody.  In fact, it has evolved into an exercise for athletes to help meet their goals and of course men.  I have been teaching Pilates for over 15years and yes the majority have been women but I have always had male clients; some athletes, some with back issues and some because their wife said so. I've had to make name changes to some exercises like the "mermaid" and up the spring tension on the equipment. But for the most part all the same goes. 

So why should men choose to do Pilates:

The Core - This is what Pilates is most known for, of course you can do abdominal work in any work-out program but it's all in the way we move.  Each exercise is done in such a precise way as to maximize the benefit of each move... getting a bigger bang for your buck.  And it's not just great abs but a healthy, strong and moveable back.

Increased Flexibility - Pilates stretches you from head to toe and everything in between. Movement is geared towards increasing range of motion at the joint in a safe way.  Flexibility is an important component to any work-out program, injury can occur otherwise.  But especially important as we age and of course the weekend warrior.  Improved flexibility will help your performance and make you feel better, just watch a cat or dog in the morning, they know how to stretch.

Prevention of Injury - Whether you are a couch potatoe or an athlete in training, injury can be prevalent, especially as we age.  This thinking man's exercise will provide a well-rounded STRENGTH training program.  Moving your body in such a way to create a balanced body.

The Mind-Body Connection - It starts with the breathe, moving from the inside out.  You cannot do Pilates without being mindful.. no thinking of work or what's for dinner, just you and your body.  This is no different than playing a round of golf or working on your back-hand playing tennis.  Really isn't that how we should all live our lives! 

Lastly and what will sell Pilates to all men...a greater sex life.  Just go back to the previous benefits of doing Pilates and use your imagination.

WARRIOR Challenge

This past weekend my husband (Kevin) sister-in-law (Erika,) brother-in-law (Bill) and I participated in our first Warrior Challenge.  The Challenge was on a beautiful property just outside of London.  This was Erika's idea and I have to admit I wasn't so sure about it, I'm not into team sports.  I like to run, it's up to me and my legs to get to the finish line.  We (with some coaching to my husband, he too doesn't like team sports) decided to take on this challenge and honestly so glad we did, had the BEST time.  We even had t-shirts made up and a team name "It RUNS in the FAMILY", thanks to Erika & Bill and their creative minds.  I think we worked awesome together - as a TEAM. 

Our training consisted of making sure everyone could run 8km comfortably, as that was the distance of the course.   Obviously we did Pilates, lots of CORE work, wanted to make sure our backs were safe while doing the obstacles.  I was worried about my upper body strength so worked on Yoga Sun Salutations to get in the arm work with plank, chataranga, up dog into down dog and all the good STRETCHING.  Finally the TRX, which included a variety of moves mostly standing work to challenge the body in different ways.  I added a few burbies for the fun of it. 

The run was easy, the obsticles were fun minus the biggest challenge being the cylinder tube we had to crawl up, there really was no best way to do it.  And then there was the mud at the very end.   My biggest challenge to get over was the MUD but once I did, I embraced it and went for it, even got it in my teeth. 

I am now thinking of great ways to train my clients that might want to do one and I highly recommend as it was a whole lot of fun!!!




Single Leg Stretch PUP style

It's been awhile since I've blogged...  I am yet again training for another marathon but also I so enjoy the great outdoors and summer is the perfect time to explore it.  I would much rather be biking, roller-blading or running any day than inside on a computer.  But I just finished running 26km this morning and have a bit of an injured toe so sitting down with an ice pack & blogging is perfect. 

As my mileage in running is increasing each week I see the importance of a strong core, especially as I get fatigued closer to the end.   Good hip/buttocks strength so that I don't over work the psoas and quads which do have to work -period.  And today was an especially hilly course so keeping the chest and sternum up for deep breathing. 

Upon my return from todays run, I decided to do a few Sun Salutations to stretch out my body, it felt so wonderful to move that way after all that pounding of the pavement.  But also some AB work, one of my favs's -  Single Leg Stretch.  Of course I took my inspiration from this adorable pup.  And so should YOU. 

Off to read a book in my hammock.  Enjoy your Sunday. 

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Take a Deep Breath

I love saying to my clients "take a deep breath in", instantly you see stress begin to leave their body. Strangely none of us really think about breathing our body just does it naturally, thank goodness! Yet it can have a great impact on our life, the benefits are huge...from aiding in relieving depression, stress, fatigue, sleep issues, headaches and digestive disorders to name a few.Whether it be Pilates, Yoga, Tai Chi or Weight lifting; breathing is an integral part of these techniques. There are many different ways and philosophies to breathing properly, in yoga we call it pranayama, all our important and worth exploring. I'm going to focus on the Pilates method, which has more attention to the core. Begin by finding a comfortable position lying down on your back with your knees bent, perhaps closing your eyes. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Place your hands on your belly and begin to breathe into the stomach, fill it up like a balloon and as you exhale pull the belly in engaging the transverse abdominals. After a few attempts, work on not letting the belly expand, just pulling in. Keep the back in neutral position, maintaining a natural curve. After you feel comfortable with that, place your hands on the outside, lateral back part of your bottom ribs. Move the ribs like an accordion, ribs move sideways as you inhale and as you exhale ribs fold back down. Keep the tummy in through out but don't suck in. With practice this will become second nature.Did you know the average person takes in 21,600 breaths per day, wow! Strangely our right lung is larger than the left lung? And 70% of waste is eliminated through the lungs.

Lastly shallow breathing can cause memory loss, so in the end no matter what technique you choose... just do it!!!

Fabulous FIVE

For some exercising is the enemy, they might do it but they do it only because "it's good for you".  Well, for me I really do love every stretch, every exercise and every posture.  I am constantly saying "this is one of my favourite moves", and its true!  My clients are use to hearing this and I'm sure they think I'm crazy and that I need to get a life outside of work.   That may be so.  lol 

So having to pick a top ten, let alone five, is like asking for the world.  But with our busy schedules, five is easy to manage and more importantly to actually DO!  Like everyone I have a few that really are my favourites.  These five need no equipment and can be done pretty much by anyBODY, anywhere.


There is not much that you miss out on in this posture...legs, abs, arms and back.   

To modify, place knees down on floor.  To challenge, bring one knee to your chest.  Drop knees to floor and finish in a SHELL stretch (Child's pose).


A great easy abdominal exercise and it gives the legs a nice stretch too.  I like to put my hands behind my head for the Ab Prep. 

To modify, have feet on floor.  For more challenge, hold onto Toning Balls and maintain the imprint.


A bit of work and a bit of stretch.  Your arms work to push your weight back to your heels and than you get a great hamstring and calf stretch.  All around this should feel good.

To modify, do this move up against a wall, it's much easier on wrists.  To challenge, lift one leg in the air, 3-legged down dog.


Everyone has a wall, use this not only for a great leg exercise but to bring awareness to your posture. 

Modify but just softening knees.  To challenge go right down, making your legs parrell to floor.  You could also do arm circles here, with or without Toning Balls.


This can be done anywhere... could be done right from your desk chair. 

The idea is to articulate the spine, so one vertebrae moves at a time, start from your head and move down.  On the way up, start from the abs and finish with your head last.  Don't forget to breathe. 

Add a little back extension with your hands on your thighs, lifting your breastbone up. 

I would also suggest you add a glute stretch, as a society we sit too much so this is very needed.  And you can do seated from your desk.  Just cross 1 foot over the opposite leg, keeping the hip/knee open.



Marathon Madness

Have you ever thought about ​completing a marathon?  Or are you like my husband who thinks that's crazy!  Well, a few years back I decided to run one, an OMG I'm 40yrs old type thing.  But first I trained for a half-marathon, that seemed like my first "step" to being able to run a full 42.2k marathon.  I had run a few 5k races but there is a long & winding road to 21k.   I trained by myself and was able to finish in a good time just over 2:00hrs. 

Well, I got the bug and decided to join a Running Club to help me continue through the winter months.  I have to say I am as fair weather as they come, sad to say but true.  A trickle of rain, cold weather (that could be anything under 10 degrees) a hint of snow or a windy day... it's not going to happen.  BUT with a group of folks that notice when you miss, I was able to make some of those crummy days.  And last year I ran the 30k Around The Bay race, so much fun, there is a Grim Reaper waiting for you at the end, I will leave that alone.

​30k is an accomplishment but it is still not a full marathon.  I honestly, wasn't sure if I had it in me, I'm an asthmatic so running is difficult not to mention it's a lot of time, training and well PAIN.  Yet, something about running makes me feel free so I continued on and finished my first Marathon, 4:23:23, not bad for my first one.  It was in beautiful Ottawa, such a great crowd to cheer you on.  And of course my hubby was there to support me. 

Once you finish your first marathon there is a quest to do more and do better. I trained to run Scotia in the fall but I woke up with Vertigo, very strange.  I basically had to re- learn to walk in a straight line and was very tired so I bailed out, not a happy camper. Shortly after the Vertigo I woke up with an ear & throat infect, literally spent 2months sick but I continued to run.  After returning to my "normal" self, I ran my second marathon this May in Mississauga.  It was a huge challenge, I injured myself (the peroneous tendon) 2wks before the race on a long 35k run.  Had to stop continuously to stretch, wasn't sure if I was able to finish but the body/mind is stronger than you think.  One foot in front of the other and I finished 4:29:16, I had hoped to do a 4:15 or better but I completed it!! 

So now I look forward to the next one, 42.2.

Life is too short without dessert!

Dessert can be good for you too, try these HEALTHY BALLS.

1 C Oatmeal

1/2 C Carob Chocoate Chips

1/2 C Peanut Butter or Almond Butter

1/2 C Ground Flaxseed

1/3 C Honey

1 tsp of Vanilla

** Can add 1/4 cup of Pumpkins Seeds and/or Chia Seeds

Roll into Balls and Refrigerate!​

TRX Training or Torture!

I am loving my newest piece of equipment... The TRX Suspension Training.  Looks nothing like my reformers as nylon straps hang from the ceiling but has a lot of the same CORE values. 

Most but not all of the exercices are done standing, so a very functional way of moving as most of us sit too much.  But I think you need to have a good understanding of your body (from Pilates work) before attempting as you need to be stable in your movement.   

Also, I love that you get some cardio in from this versitile piece of equipment, 20mins and I was sweating! 

Can't wait to train or torture (LOL) my clients with the TRX.