I'm finally able to take a nice deep breathe, one of relief. After 20 weeks of training I completed my third Marathon and achieved a Personal Best... 4:14:23. The Road to running a Marathon is a very long one, I know I'm stating the obvious, but wow 42.2 is a lot! I ran Hamilton's Road2Hope, it's a smaller event but one that I thought was well organized and actually a very nice route.
I'm not sure exactly what compels someone to run that long but strangely I'm already thinking about which Marathon I want to run next and possibly doing an Ultra, 50km. I do believe anyone can do it, if I can, anyone can... I have asthma which really makes it difficult. When I run, I sound like a very out of shape 90year old, no joke! But I have my CORE and that's what gets me through. Also, as any runner knows, running is 90% mental and then the last bit of a run is the other 10%. LOL
I shall continue my training... Pilates, Yoga, Spin Class and running with some wonderful folks. One foot in front of the other!